Each project is matched with a team that fits its personality. We carefully assemble the right combination of technical strength, maturity, and creativity, and assign a leader who understands the client’s business. His job is to ensure that the technical answers are actionable and practical in the real world.
Thorough building investigations need technical depth and experience. Our team includes a host of system specialists who work together regularly, most with 30-40 years of experience. Recent graduates of top academic programs, familiar with the latest techniques and trends in buildings and facilities, support our innovation and technological edge.
Most projects involve dealing with multiple building systems, so most teams include a synergistic mix of multiple expert specialists who work together on a regular basis on Building Solutions projects. Every team also has a leader with experience as a real estate operator, owner, or developer. This combination gives us the bench strength we need to meet the special needs of the assignment.
With the strength that comes from these diverse perspectives, the team is knitted together by the Building Solutions culture, which places a premium on bringing value to the client and serving his interests entirely. Our team takes great care to deliver quality services in a caring, compassionate way.