Facility Audit


Most institutions don’t know as much as they should about the condition of their largest single asset – plant and equipment. Too often, high performing institutions don’t have high performing buildings supporting their mission.


Armed with a professionally prepared facility audit, business and plant managers can prepare more accurate budgets, guide fundraising, direct long-range planning and positively influence their accrediting bodies. The audit gives the facility a credible “voice” in the budgeting process, and allows facilities leadership to effectively support their institution’s goals.


A facility audit covers all building systems from HVAC and electrical, to building envelope, elevators, and life safety. It can also address technology, energy conservation strategies, asbestos management, and accessibility. Most audits include a survey of regulatory compliance and ongoing operational practices.


Because Building Solutions has specialized in facility auditing for nearly two decades, and have ongoing audit update responsibilities with many clients, we can provide benchmarking and best practices from our information database.


Components of a facility audit  

  • Deferred maintenance assessment of each building system, by a team of experienced specialists and forecast of costs to remedy
  • Schedule and forecast of capital replacement requirements
  • Inventory of building assets
  • Recommended strategy for implementing corrective actions
  • Energy conservation strategies
  • Review of facility staffing levels, operating practices
  • Regulatory compliance status

High Performance Buildings


Optimizing operations is the goal of most institutions as we begin the 21st Century—deriving the most benefit from our resources and minimizing waste. A facility audit is the foundation for launching your HPB program—a High Performance Buildings program. The Building Solutions HPB program is predicated on a powerful baseline audit, and an affordable, regularly scheduled monitoring and updating of the audit. This process ensures current, accurate information for better executive decision making, and a tool that will equip the facilities department to maximize the value of the plant investment.


Usually, the database of issues is provided in a web-enabled maintenance management system offered by our strategic partner, or it can be incorporated into whatever information system the institution currently uses.


Related Terms

Accessibility Survey

Annual Cap Reserve Study

Operations Audit

Replacement Cost Study

Waterproofing Investigation